In cartomancy, the Tarot and Lenormand decks are easily the most popular and recognizable among the oracle cards used by practitioners. Although some similarities exist between the two types of cards, there are certain differences, particularly in the specific cards present in each type and how the reading of the cards is performed. Tarot cards, for example, are read individually while Lenormand cards are read in pairs or strings. Let’s take a look at one card in the Lenormand deck – the House.
When the House card appears in a string or a tableau (depending on what the reader prefers to use), it usually refers to aspects of the self, specifically one’s comfort, security, and feeling of safety. The House is one’s abode. Literally, it is the roof over your head. Figuratively, it is anything that pertains to personal and domestic matters, especially your home and/or family. It is familiarity – something or someone you feel you belong with. It can also pertain to privacy and a feeling of closeness. For professionals, the House represents investment, business, or opportunities.
The Lenormand House card also represents a boundary. It sets the limit between the outside and the inside. It can contain but it can also repel. It separates what you consider as yours (the “I am” and “I have”) versus what isn’t (the “theirs”). It sets apart what you consider as your possession. It can also represent possible closemindedness.

The meaning and significance of the House change slightly depending on its position (such as in a tableau) and pairing. Here are some of the possible combinations and the possible meaning of their pairing.
News or messages that a querent may receive regarding their situation.
May point to travel; also the possibility of leaving home or ditching tradition in favor of a new approach.
Lightheartedness, especially in relation to tradition; may also point to luck or happiness.
Stability in one’s health or changes in the home, such as repairs.
Desire, especially pertaining to one’s family. Also, conflict between tradition and what one wants.
Confusion or lack of clarity where something is obscured or hidden.
Punishment, guilt, conflict, or shame, usually in the family or in something familiar or close to the querent.
Gratitude, a gift or gifts, or appreciation from the querent or from other people.
An ending (usually a relationship) or something that needs to be cut.
Literally, a new child or life in the family. May also pertain to playfulness, innocence, or inexperience.
Gossip or possibility of chaos; may also pertain to a feeling of worry or anxiety.
Protection, especially from a family member. Usually refers to an authority figure.
Cunning or slyness; may also refer to selfishness or a drive for survival.
Friend/s or companion/s; may also pertain to devotion and loyalty.
Authority and ambition; also boundaries or a different perspective.
Changes, often in relation to tradition.
Wishes and dreams for oneself or one’s family.
Social life and social traditions.
Making decisions regarding one’s home life and/or family; also the possibility of exploration and related choices; the querent may feel burdened by the need to make a choice.
Obstacle that may seem unbearable; burden or a perceived burden.