Lily, the 30th, is a unique card in the Lenormand cartomancy deck.
This is the only card which represents all in itself almost diametrically opposite attributes. For this reason, some Lenormand practitioners actually divide this card into two: Sensual Lily and Virtuous Lily.
Lily Keywords:
(Sensual): Sexual passion, sensuality, sensations (hear, touch, smell, taste), sensual pleasures, sex drive; Experience, maturity, intensity; Poetry, music, dance, creativity; Feeling of contentment, talent, harmony, peacefulness; Debauchery, excess, immorality, gluttony, sloth, lethargy, old age, shallowness.
(Virtuous): Purity, chastity, innocence, faithfulness, easy conscience; Virtuousness in general; Prudence, frugality, temperance, rectitude, meekness, humility; Charity, mercy, kindness, justice, peacefulness; Spiritual attainment, transcendence; Restraint, abstinence, self-chastisement, fasting, coldness, frigidity.
As mentioned, the card Lily represents apparently contrasting facets or virtues but which are often seen as manifestations of one and the same instinct, especially regarding our deep-rooted ideas of femininity. In other words, the Lily, in Lenormand tarot tableau, gives expression to the old Maman-Putain complex.

During a reading, the card may suggest an intense enjoyment of the world and all it has to offer through one’s senses alone. So carnal pleasure, passionate sensuality, etc. may appear as paths to gain self-knowledge. On the other hand, it may imply the opposite—that only by practising abstinence, by curbing one’s gluttonous instincts, one can find fulfillment.
This dual facet of the card also makes it difficult to find the meaning of the card by juxtaposing it with the surrounding cards. Some Lenormand readers bypass this difficulty by having two Lily cards in their deck (white lily- virtuous, red lily- sensual) whereas others prefer to rely solely on the card combinations and on the position of the seeker in order to arrive at a meaning.
We can therefore easily assume that in a Love reading, the card Lily poses considerable difficulties for the reader. However, in general contexts, such as career, business, finance, family, etc, readers give preference to the virtuous attributes of the card.
For example, in a Finance reading, the card Lily may suggest practicing frugality; staying away from unnecessary expenses; husbanding your resources carefully; etc.
Similarly, in a Career reading, the card may stress the need of being disciplined, conscientious, etc. It may also suggest retirement or taking a break from work.
Combination Possibilities with Lilly
The task of finding a meaning with the lily card becomes somewhat easier when it is paired with another card. Although, even in paired-cards, the reader may still need to take into account both sets of differing attributes of the card for his interpretation. Of course, the seeker’s personal position and circumstance will come to aid the interpretation.
Normally, the questions you would pose to yourself if you draw Lily as the chief card in a tableau are: What does virtue or pleasure suggest to me? Which course of action would bring me happiness? Does the concept of pleasure necessarily conflict with those of virtue and goodness?